Spectra of the 3CR-catalog sources

The spectra of the 299 3CR-sources are based on ~40000 flux points, selected from the catalogs in CATS database.

In order to plot 'on-line' radio spectrum of a source from the 3CR catalog
you need use the below 'Search'-window for the fitting parameters

Input parameters

Input from the first position in the window:
nnn.n [0123 [+-lpek] fr_min fr_max]
For example, type in the window:
405.0 1 -e 10 40000 "Enter"
or without any parametres (ie they are default: 1 -e 10 300000):
405.0 "Enter"
The first key: 0 - no error, 1 or 2 - with the errors, 3 - no fit
The second key: l - linear fitting, p - parabolic fiting, +/-e - lin + exp(+/-) fiting
fr_min/fr_max - mininum/maximum frequencies for the fitting (MHz)
Output (appending) fit-files: 3CRnnn.n.fit
Output (replacing) gif-files: 3CRnnn.n.gif

The list of the 3CRnnn.n radio sources.
  2.0   76.1  175.0  245.0  296.0  357.0  460.0
  6.1   78.0  175.1  247.0  297.0  368.0  465.0
  9.0   79.0  180.0  249.0  298.0  371.0  468.1
 11.1   83.1  181.0  249.1  299.0  379.1  469.1
 13.0   84.0  184.0  250.0  300.0  380.0  470.0
 14.0   86.0  184.1  252.0  300.1  381.0
 14.1   88.0  186.0  254.0  303.0  382.0
 15.0   91.0  187.0  255.0  303.1  386.0
 16.0   89.0  190.0  256.0  305.0  388.0
 17.0   93.0  191.0  257.0  305.1  389.0
 18.0   93.1  192.0  258.0  306.1  390.0
 19.0   98.0  194.0  263.0  309.1  390.3
 20.0   99.0  196.0  263.1  310.0  394.0
 21.1  103.0  196.1  264.0  313.0  399.1
 22.0  105.0  197.1  265.0  314.1  401.0
 27.0  107.0  198.0  266.0  315.0  402.0
 28.0  109.0  200.0  267.0  317.0  403.0
 29.0  111.0  204.0  268.1  318.0  403.1
 31.0  114.0  205.0  270.1  318.1  405.0
 33.0  123.0  207.0  268.3  319.0  409.0
 33.1  119.0  208.0  268.4  320.0  410.0
 33.2  124.0  208.1  270.0  321.0  411.0
 34.0  125.0  210.0  268.2  322.0  415.2
 35.0  129.0  212.0  272.0  323.0  418.0
 36.0  129.1  213.1  272.1  323.1  424.0
 40.0  130.0  215.0  273.0  324.0  427.1
 41.0  131.0  216.0  274.0  325.0  428.0
 42.0  132.0  217.0  274.1  326.0  430.0
 43.0  133.0  219.0  275.0  326.1  431.0
 44.0  134.0  220.1  275.1  327.0  432.0
 46.0  135.0  220.2  277.0  327.1  433.0
 47.0  136.1  220.3  277.1  330.0  434.0
 48.0  137.0  222.0  277.2  332.0  435.0
 49.0  138.0  223.0  277.3  334.0  436.0
 52.0  139.2  223.1  280.0  336.0  437.0
 54.0  141.0  225.0A 280.1  337.0  438.0
 55.0  142.1  225.1B 284.0  338.0  441.0
 61.1  147.0  226.0  285.0  340.0  442.0
 63.0  152.0  227.0  286.0  341.0  445.0
 65.0  153.0  228.0  287.0  343.0  449.0
 66.0  154.0  230.0  287.1  343.1  452.0
 66.0  158.0  231.0  288.0  345.0  454.0
 66.1  165.0  234.0  288.1  346.0  454.1
 67.0  166.0  236.0  289.0  348.0  454.2
 68.1  169.1  237.0  292.0  349.0  454.3
 68.2  171.0  238.0  293.0  351.0  455.0
 69.0  172.0  239.0  293.1  352.0  456.0
 71.0  173.0  241.0  294.0  353.0  458.0
 75.0  173.1  244.1  295.0  356.0  459.0

Note: please, use Reload if you repeat plotting of same source.

Your result file will be: Fitting file and


Sp3CR Ver0.2 20/07/2003 by Sergei Trushkin (satr@sao.ru)