Spectra of the NCP sources

In order to plot "on-line" radio spectrum of a source from the NCP catalog
you need use the below "Search"-window for the fitting parameters
Input from the first position in the window:
hhmmss+-ddmmss [0123 [+-lpek] fr_min fr_max]
For example:
write in the window 040652+763354 1 -e 10 30000 "Enter" or
simply 040652+763354 "Enter"
The first key: 0 - no error, 1 or 2 with the errors, 3 - no fit
The second key: l - linear fitting, p - parabolic fiting, +/-e lin + exp(+-) fiting
fr_min/fr_max - mininum/maximum frequencies for the fitting (MHz)
Output appending fit-files: NCPJhhmmss+ddmmss.fit
Output replacing gif-files: NCPJhhmmss+ddmmss.gif
The list of the NCP radio sources (J2000).
000943+772440   071452+815153   125736+834231   184502+765230
001236+854313   072611+791130   130035+805438   185750+774636
001311+774846   073433+765813   130538+815626   190350+853647
001631+791651   074XXX+802XXX   130609+800825   190919+781330
001708+813508   075058+824158   130705+764918   193419+795606
001816+782743   080626+812620   130811+854424   193739+835629
003812+844727   080734+784610   131723+821916   194136+850138
004617+751752   082550+765313   132053+845011   194340+785829
011045+873822   083236+800601   132145+831613   194420+781602
013156+844612   084833+783003   132331+780947   194958+765413
015207+755035   085834+750121   132351+794251   200531+775243
020537+752207   090112+780930   135639+794340   202235+761126
020723+795602   090842+834543   135755+764320   2042XX+750XXX
0222XX+861XXX   092016+862845   141419+790547   204541+762510
022454+765554   093239+790629   141718+805939   205033+752622
022914+774316   093817+781528   141947+760033   210407+763307
023010+814129   093923+831526   142248+770416   2118XX+751XXX
025100+791359   094440+825408   142613+794607   211956+765734
025417+791147   095559+791134   143547+760526   212926+845326
030011+820238   100005+812702   144314+770726   213008+835730
030454+772731   100741+813150   144709+765621   213139+843011
035150+800437   100949+810719   150008+751851   213334+823905
035446+800929   101015+825014   150207+860811   213929+833953
035629+763742   101037+765052   151304+814326   214928+754045
035817+783719   101XXX+855XXX   153112+770604   215657+833714
040652+763354   101734+810517   153700+815431   215712+764642
041045+765645   102326+803255   160222+801558   220955+835356
041426+761243   102926+785241   160929+793954   222800+753219
041531+842457   104423+805439   161940+854921   224714+855542
041946+755915   105150+791341   163051+823345   230122+795406
042205+762708   110405+793253   163226+823220   230138+820015
042408+765341   110412+765859   163925+863153   232503+791715
042918+770911   111342+765449   164843+754628   232640+823158
044545+783856   112342+773123   165752+792808   232803+761738
050731+791257   114829+782721   171416+761245   234403+822640
050842+843204   115312+805829   172359+765312   234914+751744
061837+782123   115504+753439   172529+770805   235413+804753
062205+871948   115522+815709   172550+772624   2355XX+795XXX
062602+820225   115608+823505   173021+794916   235622+815252
063012+763245   115713+811824   173734+844543
063012+763245   122015+792732   175056+814736
063825+841106   122340+804004   180045+782804
064045+781327   122518+860839   183712+851449
064558+775502   123708+835704   184XXX+794XXX

Note: please, use Reload if you repeat plotting of same source.

Your result file will be: Fitting file and


by S.Trushkin, ver. 02/04/2003