Column Descriptions for the 2MASS Second Incremental Release Extended Source Catalog (XSC)

Column # Column Name Description Units Bytes Formata Nulls Allowed
1 hemis  hemisphere (N/S) of observation --- 5 5s n
2 date  observation date --- 8-13 6s n
3 scan  scan number (unique within date) --- 15-18 4hd n
4 coadd  3-digit coadded atlas image number (unique within scan) --- 20-23 4hd n
5 id  source ID number (unique within scan, image) --- 25-28 4d n
6 ra  right ascension (J2000 decimal deg) based on peak pixel deg 30-39 10.6f n
7 dec  declination (J2000 decimal deg) based on peak pixel deg 41-50 10.6f n
8 glon  galactic longitude (decimal deg) based on peak pixel deg 52-61 10.6f n
9 glat  galactic latitude (decimal deg) based on peak pixel deg 63-72 10.6f n
10 designation  source designation formed from sexigesimal coordinates --- 74-87 14s n
  Notes for designation: This is the object sequence designation, or object "name" as specified by the IAU recommendations on source nomenclature. It is derived from the J2000 sexigesimal coordinates of the source and has the form HHMMSSS+/-DDMMSS, where HH are the hours of right ascension, MM the RA minutes and SSS are the deci-seconds of RA. DD are the degrees in declination, MM are DEC minutes and SS the declination seconds. Note that both the RA deci-seconds of time and DEC seconds of arc are truncated rather than rounded, per the IAU recommendation.
11 x_coadd  x (cross-scan) position (image coord.) arcsec 89-93 5.1f n
12 y_coadd  y (in-scan) position (image coord.) arcsec 95-100 6.1f n
13 r_3sig  3-sigma K isophotal semi-major axis arcsec 102-106 5.1f y
14 j_ba  J minor/major axis ratio fit to the 3-sigma isophote --- 108-112 5.3f y
15 h_ba  H minor/major axis ratio fit to the 3-sigma isophote --- 114-118 5.3f y
16 k_ba  K minor/major axis ratio fit to the 3-sigma isophote --- 120-124 5.3f y
17 j_phi  J angle to 3-sigma major axis (E of N) deg 126-129 4hd y
18 h_phi  H angle to 3-sigma major axis (E of N) deg 131-134 4hd y
19 k_phi  K angle to 3-sigma major axis (E of N) deg 136-139 4hd y
20 j_m  J selected "default" magnitude mag 141-146 6.3f y
  Notes for j_m: This is the selected "default" magnitude for each band. The first choice for the [jhk]_m values are the mags in each band at 20 mag/sq.arcsec w/K fiducial circular aperture ([jhk]_m_k20fc), indicated by [jhk]_mtype values of 0. If, however, the K band mag in this group is > 14.0 (including negative flux or no mag found), all 3 [jhk]_m values will be the mags at 21 mag/sq.arcsec w/J fiducial circular aperture ([jhk]_m_j21fc) and the flags [jhk]_mtype are set to 1. If any one of chosen set of "default" mags is > 99, indicating no mag found, the DB entry for that "default" mag will be set to NULL. 
Thus, the [jhk]_mtype flags will indicate the source of the "default" mags and sigmas as follows:
0: [jhk]_m_k20fe values
1: [jhk]_m_j21fe values
21 h_m  H selected "default" magnitude mag 148-153 6.3f y
  Notes for h_m: This is the selected "default" magnitude for each band. The first choice for the [jhk]_m values are the mags in each band at 20 mag/sq.arcsec w/K fiducial circular aperture ([jhk]_m_k20fc), indicated by [jhk]_mtype values of 0. If, however, the K band mag in this group is > 14.0 (including negative flux or no mag found), all 3 [jhk]_m values will be the mags at 21 mag/sq.arcsec w/J fiducial circular aperture ([jhk]_m_j21fc) and the flags [jhk]_mtype are set to 1. If any one of chosen set of "default" mags is > 99, indicating no mag found, the DB entry for that "default" mag will be set to NULL. 
Thus, the [jhk]_mtype flags will indicate the source of the "default" mags and sigmas as follows:
0: [jhk]_m_k20fe values
1: [jhk]_m_j21fe values
22 k_m  K selected "default" magnitude mag 155-160 6.3f y
  Notes for k_m: This is the selected "default" magnitude for each band. The first choice for the [jhk]_m values are the mags in each band at 20 mag/sq.arcsec w/K fiducial circular aperture ([jhk]_m_k20fc), indicated by [jhk]_mtype values of 0. If, however, the K band mag in this group is > 14.0 (including negative flux or no mag found), all 3 [jhk]_m values will be the mags at 21 mag/sq.arcsec w/J fiducial circular aperture ([jhk]_m_j21fc) and the flags [jhk]_mtype are set to 1. If any one of chosen set of "default" mags is > 99, indicating no mag found, the DB entry for that "default" mag will be set to NULL. 
Thus, the [jhk]_mtype flags will indicate the source of the "default" mags and sigmas as follows:
0: [jhk]_m_k20fe values
1: [jhk]_m_j21fe values
23 j_msig  J "default" mag uncertainty mag 162-166 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
24 h_msig  H "default" mag uncertainty mag 168-172 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
25 k_msig  K "default" mag uncertainty mag 174-178 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
26 j_flg  J confusion flag for "default" magnitude --- 180-183 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
27 h_flg  H confusion flag for "default" magnitude --- 185-188 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
28 k_flg  K confusion flag for "default" magnitude --- 190-193 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
29 j_mtype  source of J "default" mag (0=j_m_k20fc, 1=j_m_j21fc) --- 195-198 4hd n
30 h_mtype  source of H "default" mag (0=h_m_k20fc, 1=h_m_j21fc) --- 200-203 4hd n
31 k_mtype  source of K "default" mag (0=k_m_k20fc, 1=k_m_j21fc) --- 205-208 4hd n
32 j_r_e  J Kron elliptical aperture semi-major axis arcsec 210-214 5.1f y
33 h_r_e  H Kron elliptical aperture semi-major axis arcsec 216-220 5.1f y
34 k_r_e  K Kron elliptical aperture semi-major axis arcsec 222-226 5.1f y
35 j_m_e  J Kron elliptical aperture magnitude mag 228-233 6.3f y
36 h_m_e  H Kron elliptical aperture magnitude mag 235-240 6.3f y
37 k_m_e  K Kron elliptical aperture magnitude mag 242-247 6.3f y
38 j_msig_e  J 1-sigma uncertainty in Kron elliptical mag mag 249-253 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_e: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
39 h_msig_e  H 1-sigma uncertainty in Kron elliptical mag mag 255-259 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_e: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
40 k_msig_e  K 1-sigma uncertainty in Kron elliptical mag mag 261-265 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_e: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
41 j_flg_e  J confusion flag for Kron elliptical mag --- 267-270 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg_e: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
42 h_flg_e  H confusion flag for Kron elliptical mag --- 272-275 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg_e: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
43 k_flg_e  K confusion flag for Kron elliptical mag --- 277-280 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg_e: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
44 r_fe  K fiducial Kron elliptical aperture semi-major axis arcsec 282-286 5.1f y
  Notes for r_fe: "Fiducial" apertures are determined for each type of total and isophotal photometry measurements as described in the GALWORKS SDS. Essentially, they are used to make mag measurements for each type of photometry with the same aperture size in all three bands. The fiducial band for the total Kron photometry and 20mag/sq." isophotal photometry is the K band, and for the 21mag/sq." isophotal photometry it is the J band.
45 j_m_fe  J fiducial Kron elliptical aperture magnitude mag 288-293 6.3f y
46 h_m_fe  H fiducial Kron elliptical aperture magnitude mag 295-300 6.3f y
47 k_m_fe  K fiducial Kron elliptical aperture magnitude mag 302-307 6.3f y
48 j_msig_fe  J 1-sigma uncertainty in fiducial Kron ell. mag mag 309-313 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_fe: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
49 h_msig_fe  H 1-sigma uncertainty in fiducial Kron ell. mag mag 315-319 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_fe: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
50 k_msig_fe  K 1-sigma uncertainty in fiducial Kron ell. mag mag 321-325 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_fe: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
51 j_flg_fe  J confusion flag for fiducial Kron ell. mag --- 327-330 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg_fe: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
52 h_flg_fe  H confusion flag for fiducial Kron ell. mag --- 332-335 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg_fe: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
53 k_flg_fe  K confusion flag for fiducial Kron ell. mag --- 337-340 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg_fe: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
54 j_r_c  J Kron circular aperture radius arcsec 342-346 5.1f y
55 h_r_c  H Kron circular aperture radius arcsec 348-352 5.1f y
56 k_r_c  K Kron circular aperture radius arcsec 354-358 5.1f y
57 j_m_c  J Kron circular aperture magnitude mag 360-365 6.3f y
58 h_m_c  H Kron circular aperture magnitude mag 367-372 6.3f y
59 k_m_c  K Kron circular aperture magnitude mag 374-379 6.3f y
60 j_msig_c  J 1-sigma uncertainty in Kron circular mag mag 381-385 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_c: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
61 h_msig_c  H 1-sigma uncertainty in Kron circular mag mag 387-391 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_c: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
62 k_msig_c  K 1-sigma uncertainty in Kron circular mag mag 393-397 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_c: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
63 j_flg_c  J confusion flag for Kron circular mag --- 399-402 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg_c: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
64 h_flg_c  H confusion flag for Kron circular mag --- 404-407 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg_c: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
65 k_flg_c  K confusion flag for Kron circular mag --- 409-412 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg_c: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
66 r_fc  K fiducial Kron circular aperture radius arcsec 414-418 5.1f y
  Notes for r_fc: "Fiducial" apertures are determined for each type of total and isophotal photometry measurements as described in the GALWORKS SDS. Essentially, they are used to make mag measurements for each type of photometry with the same aperture size in all three bands. The fiducial band for the total Kron photometry and 20mag/sq." isophotal photometry is the K band, and for the 21mag/sq." isophotal photometry it is the J band.
67 j_m_fc  J fiducial Kron circular magnitude mag 420-425 6.3f y
68 h_m_fc  H fiducial Kron circular magnitude mag 427-432 6.3f y
69 k_m_fc  K fiducial Kron circular magnitude mag 434-439 6.3f y
70 j_msig_fc  J 1-sigma uncertainty in fiducial Kron circ. mag mag 441-445 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_fc: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
71 h_msig_fc  H 1-sigma uncertainty in fiducial Kron circ. mag mag 447-451 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_fc: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
72 k_msig_fc  K 1-sigma uncertainty in fiducial Kron circ. mag mag 453-457 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_fc: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
73 j_flg_fc  J confusion flag for fiducial Kron circ. mag --- 459-462 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg_fc: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
74 h_flg_fc  H confusion flag for fiducial Kron circ. mag --- 464-467 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg_fc: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
75 k_flg_fc  K confusion flag for fiducial Kron circ. mag --- 469-472 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg_fc: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
76 j_r_i20e  J 20mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. semi-major axis arcsec 474-478 5.1f y
77 h_r_i20e  H 20mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. semi-major axis arcsec 480-484 5.1f y
78 k_r_i20e  K 20mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. semi-major axis arcsec 486-490 5.1f y
79 j_m_i20e  J 20mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. magnitude mag 492-497 6.3f y
80 h_m_i20e  H 20mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. magnitude mag 499-504 6.3f y
81 k_m_i20e  K 20mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. magnitude mag 506-511 6.3f y
82 j_msig_i20e  J 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso. ell. mag mag 513-517 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_i20e: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
83 h_msig_i20e  H 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso. ell. mag mag 519-523 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_i20e: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
84 k_msig_i20e  K 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso. ell. mag mag 525-529 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_i20e: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
85 j_flg_i20e  J confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. ell. mag --- 531-534 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg_i20e: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
86 h_flg_i20e  H confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. ell. mag --- 536-539 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg_i20e: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
87 k_flg_i20e  K confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. ell. mag --- 541-544 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg_i20e: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
88 r_k20fe  20mag/sq." isophotal K fiducial ell. ap. semi-major axis arcsec 546-550 5.1f y
  Notes for r_k20fe: "Fiducial" apertures are determined for each type of total and isophotal photometry measurements as described in the GALWORKS SDS. Essentially, they are used to make mag measurements for each type of photometry with the same aperture size in all three bands. The fiducial band for the total Kron photometry and 20mag/sq." isophotal photometry is the K band, and for the 21mag/sq." isophotal photometry it is the J band.
89 j_m_k20fe  J 20mag/sq." isophotal fiducial ell. ap. magnitude mag 552-557 6.3f y
90 h_m_k20fe  H 20mag/sq." isophotal fiducial ell. ap. magnitude mag 559-564 6.3f y
91 k_m_k20fe  K 20mag/sq." isophotal fiducial ell. ap. magnitude mag 566-571 6.3f y
92 j_msig_k20fe  J 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso.fid.ell.mag mag 573-577 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_k20fe: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
93 h_msig_k20fe  H 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso.fid.ell.mag mag 579-583 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_k20fe: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
94 k_msig_k20fe  K 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso.fid.ell.mag mag 585-589 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_k20fe: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
95 j_flg_k20fe  J confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. fid. ell. mag --- 591-594 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg_k20fe: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
96 h_flg_k20fe  H confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. fid. ell. mag --- 596-599 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg_k20fe: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
97 k_flg_k20fe  K confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. fid. ell. mag --- 601-604 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg_k20fe: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
98 j_r_i20c  J 20mag/sq." isophotal circular aperture radius arcsec 606-610 5.1f y
99 h_r_i20c  H 20mag/sq." isophotal circular aperture radius arcsec 612-616 5.1f y
100 k_r_i20c  K 20mag/sq." isophotal circular aperture radius arcsec 618-622 5.1f y
101 j_m_i20c  J 20mag/sq." isophotal circular ap. magnitude mag 624-629 6.3f y
102 h_m_i20c  H 20mag/sq." isophotal circular ap. magnitude mag 631-636 6.3f y
103 k_m_i20c  K 20mag/sq." isophotal circular ap. magnitude mag 638-643 6.3f y
104 j_msig_i20c  J 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso. circ. mag mag 645-649 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_i20c: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
105 h_msig_i20c  H 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso. circ. mag mag 651-655 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_i20c: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
106 k_msig_i20c  K 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso. circ. mag mag 657-661 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_i20c: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
107 j_flg_i20c  J confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. circ. mag --- 663-666 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg_i20c: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
108 h_flg_i20c  H confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. circ. mag --- 668-671 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg_i20c: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
109 k_flg_i20c  K confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. circ. mag --- 673-676 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg_i20c: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
110 r_k20fc  20mag/sq." isophotal K fiducial circular ap. radius arcsec 678-682 5.1f y
  Notes for r_k20fc: "Fiducial" apertures are determined for each type of total and isophotal photometry measurements as described in the GALWORKS SDS. Essentially, they are used to make mag measurements for each type of photometry with the same aperture size in all three bands. The fiducial band for the total Kron photometry and 20mag/sq." isophotal photometry is the K band, and for the 21mag/sq." isophotal photometry it is the J band.
111 j_m_k20fc  J 20mag/sq." isophotal fiducial circ. ap. mag mag 684-689 6.3f y
112 h_m_k20fc  H 20mag/sq." isophotal fiducial circ. ap. mag mag 691-696 6.3f y
113 k_m_k20fc  K 20mag/sq." isophotal fiducial circ. ap. mag mag 698-703 6.3f y
114 j_msig_k20fc  J 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso.fid.circ. mag mag 705-709 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_k20fc: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
115 h_msig_k20fc  H 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso.fid.circ. mag mag 711-715 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_k20fc: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
116 k_msig_k20fc  K 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso.fid.circ. mag mag 717-721 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_k20fc: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
117 j_flg_k20fc  J confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. fid. circ. mag --- 723-726 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg_k20fc: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
118 h_flg_k20fc  H confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. fid. circ. mag --- 728-731 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg_k20fc: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
119 k_flg_k20fc  K confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. fid. circ. mag --- 733-736 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg_k20fc: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
120 j_r_i21e  J 21mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. semi-major axis arcsec 738-742 5.1f y
121 h_r_i21e  H 21mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. semi-major axis arcsec 744-748 5.1f y
122 k_r_i21e  K 21mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. semi-major axis arcsec 750-754 5.1f y
123 j_m_i21e  J 21mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. magnitude mag 756-761 6.3f y
124 h_m_i21e  H 21mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. magnitude mag 763-768 6.3f y
125 k_m_i21e  K 21mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. magnitude mag 770-775 6.3f y
126 j_msig_i21e  J 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso. ell. mag mag 777-781 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_i21e: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
127 h_msig_i21e  H 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso. ell. mag mag 783-787 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_i21e: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
128 k_msig_i21e  K 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso. ell. mag mag 789-793 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_i21e: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
129 j_flg_i21e  J confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. ell. mag --- 795-798 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg_i21e: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
130 h_flg_i21e  H confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. ell. mag --- 800-803 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg_i21e: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
131 k_flg_i21e  K confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. ell. mag --- 805-808 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg_i21e: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
132 r_j21fe  21mag/sq." isophotal J fiducial ell. ap. semi-major axis arcsec 810-814 5.1f y
  Notes for r_j21fe: "Fiducial" apertures are determined for each type of total and isophotal photometry measurements as described in the GALWORKS SDS. Essentially, they are used to make mag measurements for each type of photometry with the same aperture size in all three bands. The fiducial band for the total Kron photometry and 20mag/sq." isophotal photometry is the K band, and for the 21mag/sq." isophotal photometry it is the J band.
133 j_m_j21fe  J 21mag/sq." isophotal fiducial ell. ap. magnitude mag 816-821 6.3f y
134 h_m_j21fe  H 21mag/sq." isophotal fiducial ell. ap. magnitude mag 823-828 6.3f y
135 k_m_j21fe  K 21mag/sq." isophotal fiducial ell. ap. magnitude mag 830-835 6.3f y
136 j_msig_j21fe  J 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso.fid.ell.mag mag 837-841 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_j21fe: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
137 h_msig_j21fe  H 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso.fid.ell.mag mag 843-847 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_j21fe: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
138 k_msig_j21fe  K 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso.fid.ell.mag mag 849-853 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_j21fe: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
139 j_flg_j21fe  J confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. fid. ell. mag --- 855-858 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg_j21fe: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
140 h_flg_j21fe  H confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. fid. ell. mag --- 860-863 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg_j21fe: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
141 k_flg_j21fe  K confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. fid. ell. mag --- 865-868 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg_j21fe: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
142 j_r_i21c  J 21mag/sq." isophotal circular aperture radius arcsec 870-874 5.1f y
143 h_r_i21c  H 21mag/sq." isophotal circular aperture radius arcsec 876-880 5.1f y
144 k_r_i21c  K 21mag/sq." isophotal circular aperture radius arcsec 882-886 5.1f y
145 j_m_i21c  J 21mag/sq." isophotal circular ap. magnitude mag 888-893 6.3f y
146 h_m_i21c  H 21mag/sq." isophotal circular ap. magnitude mag 895-900 6.3f y
147 k_m_i21c  K 21mag/sq." isophotal circular ap. magnitude mag 902-907 6.3f y
148 j_msig_i21c  J 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso. circ. mag mag 909-913 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_i21c: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
149 h_msig_i21c  H 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso. circ. mag mag 915-919 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_i21c: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
150 k_msig_i21c  K 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso. circ. mag mag 921-925 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_i21c: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
151 j_flg_i21c  J confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. circ. mag --- 927-930 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg_i21c: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
152 h_flg_i21c  H confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. circ. mag --- 932-935 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg_i21c: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
153 k_flg_i21c  K confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. circ. mag --- 937-940 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg_i21c: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
154 r_j21fc  21mag/sq." isophotal J fiducial circular ap. radius arcsec 942-946 5.1f y
  Notes for r_j21fc: "Fiducial" apertures are determined for each type of total and isophotal photometry measurements as described in the GALWORKS SDS. Essentially, they are used to make mag measurements for each type of photometry with the same aperture size in all three bands. The fiducial band for the total Kron photometry and 20mag/sq." isophotal photometry is the K band, and for the 21mag/sq." isophotal photometry it is the J band.
155 j_m_j21fc  J 21mag/sq." isophotal fiducial circ. ap. mag mag 948-953 6.3f y
156 h_m_j21fc  H 21mag/sq." isophotal fiducial circ. ap. mag mag 955-960 6.3f y
157 k_m_j21fc  K 21mag/sq." isophotal fiducial circ. ap. mag mag 962-967 6.3f y
158 j_msig_j21fc  J 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso.fid.circ.mag mag 969-973 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_j21fc: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
159 h_msig_j21fc  H 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso.fid.circ.mag mag 975-979 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_j21fc: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
160 k_msig_j21fc  K 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso.fid.circ.mag mag 981-985 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_j21fc: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
161 j_flg_j21fc  J confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. fid. circ. mag --- 987-990 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg_j21fc: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
162 h_flg_j21fc  H confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. fid. circ. mag --- 992-995 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg_j21fc: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
163 k_flg_j21fc  K confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. fid. circ. mag --- 997-1000 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg_j21fc: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
164 j_r_ext  J extrapolation radius arcsec 1002-1005 4.1f y
165 h_r_ext  H extrapolation radius arcsec 1007-1010 4.1f y
166 k_r_ext  K extrapolation radius arcsec 1012-1015 4.1f y
167 j_m_ext  J mag from fit extrapolation mag 1017-1022 6.3f y
168 h_m_ext  H mag from fit extrapolation mag 1024-1029 6.3f y
169 k_m_ext  K mag from fit extrapolation mag 1031-1036 6.3f y
170 j_m_5  J 5 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1038-1043 6.3f y
171 h_m_5  H 5 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1045-1050 6.3f y
172 k_m_5  K 5 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1052-1057 6.3f y
173 j_msig_5  J 1-sigma uncertainty in 5 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1059-1063 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_5: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
174 h_msig_5  H 1-sigma uncertainty in 5 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1065-1069 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_5: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
175 k_msig_5  K 1-sigma uncertainty in 5 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1071-1075 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_5: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
176 j_flg_5  J confusion flag for 5 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1077-1080 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg_5: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
177 h_flg_5  H confusion flag for 5 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1082-1085 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg_5: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
178 k_flg_5  K confusion flag for 5 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1087-1090 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg_5: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
179 j_m_7  J 7 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1092-1097 6.3f y
180 h_m_7  H 7 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1099-1104 6.3f y
181 k_m_7  K 7 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1106-1111 6.3f y
182 j_msig_7  J 1-sigma uncertainty in 7 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1113-1117 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_7: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
183 h_msig_7  H 1-sigma uncertainty in 7 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1119-1123 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_7: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
184 k_msig_7  K 1-sigma uncertainty in 7 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1125-1129 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_7: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
185 j_flg_7  J confusion flag for 7 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1131-1134 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg_7: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
186 h_flg_7  H confusion flag for 7 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1136-1139 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg_7: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
187 k_flg_7  K confusion flag for 7 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1141-1144 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg_7: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
188 j_m_10  J 10 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1146-1151 6.3f y
189 h_m_10  H 10 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1153-1158 6.3f y
190 k_m_10  K 10 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1160-1165 6.3f y
191 j_msig_10  J 1-sigma uncertainty in 10 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1167-1171 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_10: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
192 h_msig_10  H 1-sigma uncertainty in 10 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1173-1177 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_10: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
193 k_msig_10  K 1-sigma uncertainty in 10 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1179-1183 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_10: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
194 j_flg_10  J confusion flag for 10 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1185-1188 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg_10: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
195 h_flg_10  H confusion flag for 10 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1190-1193 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg_10: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
196 k_flg_10  K confusion flag for 10 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1195-1198 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg_10: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
197 j_m_15  J 15 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1200-1205 6.3f y
198 h_m_15  H 15 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1207-1212 6.3f y
199 k_m_15  K 15 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1214-1219 6.3f y
200 j_msig_15  J 1-sigma uncertainty in 15 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1221-1225 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_15: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
201 h_msig_15  H 1-sigma uncertainty in 15 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1227-1231 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_15: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
202 k_msig_15  K 1-sigma uncertainty in 15 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1233-1237 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_15: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
203 j_flg_15  J confusion flag for 15 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1239-1242 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg_15: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
204 h_flg_15  H confusion flag for 15 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1244-1247 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg_15: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
205 k_flg_15  K confusion flag for 15 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1249-1252 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg_15: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
206 j_m_20  J 20 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1254-1259 6.3f y
207 h_m_20  H 20 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1261-1266 6.3f y
208 k_m_20  K 20 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1268-1273 6.3f y
209 j_msig_20  J 1-sigma uncertainty in 20 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1275-1279 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_20: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
210 h_msig_20  H 1-sigma uncertainty in 20 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1281-1285 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_20: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
211 k_msig_20  K 1-sigma uncertainty in 20 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1287-1291 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_20: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
212 j_flg_20  J confusion flag for 20 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1293-1296 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg_20: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
213 h_flg_20  H confusion flag for 20 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1298-1301 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg_20: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
214 k_flg_20  K confusion flag for 20 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1303-1306 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg_20: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
215 j_m_25  J 25 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1308-1313 6.3f y
216 h_m_25  H 25 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1315-1320 6.3f y
217 k_m_25  K 25 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1322-1327 6.3f y
218 j_msig_25  J 1-sigma uncertainty in 25 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1329-1333 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_25: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
219 h_msig_25  H 1-sigma uncertainty in 25 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1335-1339 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_25: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
220 k_msig_25  K 1-sigma uncertainty in 25 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1341-1345 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_25: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
221 j_flg_25  J confusion flag for 25 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1347-1350 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg_25: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
222 h_flg_25  H confusion flag for 25 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1352-1355 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg_25: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
223 k_flg_25  K confusion flag for 25 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1357-1360 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg_25: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
224 j_m_30  J 30 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1362-1367 6.3f y
225 h_m_30  H 30 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1369-1374 6.3f y
226 k_m_30  K 30 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1376-1381 6.3f y
227 j_msig_30  J 1-sigma uncertainty in 30 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1383-1387 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_30: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
228 h_msig_30  H 1-sigma uncertainty in 30 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1389-1393 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_30: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
229 k_msig_30  K 1-sigma uncertainty in 30 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1395-1399 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_30: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
230 j_flg_30  J confusion flag for 30 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1401-1404 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg_30: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
231 h_flg_30  H confusion flag for 30 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1406-1409 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg_30: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
232 k_flg_30  K confusion flag for 30 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1411-1414 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg_30: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
233 j_m_40  J 40 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1416-1421 6.3f y
234 h_m_40  H 40 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1423-1428 6.3f y
235 k_m_40  K 40 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1430-1435 6.3f y
236 j_msig_40  J 1-sigma uncertainty in 40 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1437-1441 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_40: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
237 h_msig_40  H 1-sigma uncertainty in 40 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1443-1447 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_40: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
238 k_msig_40  K 1-sigma uncertainty in 40 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1449-1453 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_40: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
239 j_flg_40  J confusion flag for 40 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1455-1458 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg_40: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
240 h_flg_40  H confusion flag for 40 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1460-1463 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg_40: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
241 k_flg_40  K confusion flag for 40 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1465-1468 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg_40: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
242 j_m_50  J 50 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1470-1475 6.3f y
243 h_m_50  H 50 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1477-1482 6.3f y
244 k_m_50  K 50 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1484-1489 6.3f y
245 j_msig_50  J 1-sigma uncertainty in 50 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1491-1495 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_50: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
246 h_msig_50  H 1-sigma uncertainty in 50 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1497-1501 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_50: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
247 k_msig_50  K 1-sigma uncertainty in 50 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1503-1507 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_50: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
248 j_flg_50  J confusion flag for 50 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1509-1512 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg_50: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
249 h_flg_50  H confusion flag for 50 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1514-1517 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg_50: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
250 k_flg_50  K confusion flag for 50 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1519-1522 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg_50: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
251 j_m_60  J 60 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1524-1529 6.3f y
252 h_m_60  H 60 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1531-1536 6.3f y
253 k_m_60  K 60 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1538-1543 6.3f y
254 j_msig_60  J 1-sigma uncertainty in 60 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1545-1549 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_60: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
255 h_msig_60  H 1-sigma uncertainty in 60 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1551-1555 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_60: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
256 k_msig_60  K 1-sigma uncertainty in 60 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1557-1561 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_60: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
257 j_flg_60  J confusion flag for 60 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1563-1566 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg_60: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
258 h_flg_60  H confusion flag for 60 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1568-1571 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg_60: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
259 k_flg_60  K confusion flag for 60 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1573-1576 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg_60: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
260 j_m_70  J 70 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1578-1583 6.3f y
261 h_m_70  H 70 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1585-1590 6.3f y
262 k_m_70  K 70 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude mag 1592-1597 6.3f y
263 j_msig_70  J 1-sigma uncertainty in 70 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1599-1603 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_70: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
264 h_msig_70  H 1-sigma uncertainty in 70 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1605-1609 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_70: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
265 k_msig_70  K 1-sigma uncertainty in 70 arcsec circular ap. mag mag 1611-1615 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_70: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
266 j_flg_70  J confusion flag for 70 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1617-1620 4hd y
  Notes for j_flg_70: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
267 h_flg_70  H confusion flag for 70 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1622-1625 4hd y
  Notes for h_flg_70: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
268 k_flg_70  K confusion flag for 70 arcsec circular ap. mag --- 1627-1630 4hd y
  Notes for k_flg_70: The confusion flags [jhk]_flg* for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used 
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in atlas image 
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources 
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off 
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask 
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence 
6 if aperture ran into atlas image boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask 
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
269 j_m_sys  J system photometry magnitude mag 1632-1637 6.3f y
  Notes for j_m_sys: The system flux includes the flux from this extended source and anything else in the immediate area, including stars and neighboring galaxies that "touch" this source.
270 h_m_sys  H system photometry magnitude mag 1639-1644 6.3f y
  Notes for h_m_sys: The system flux includes the flux from this extended source and anything else in the immediate area, including stars and neighboring galaxies that "touch" this source.
271 k_m_sys  K system photometry magnitude mag 1646-1651 6.3f y
  Notes for k_m_sys: The system flux includes the flux from this extended source and anything else in the immediate area, including stars and neighboring galaxies that "touch" this source.
272 j_msig_sys  J 1-sigma uncertainty in system photometry mag mag 1653-1657 5.3f y
  Notes for j_msig_sys: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
273 h_msig_sys  H 1-sigma uncertainty in system photometry mag mag 1659-1663 5.3f y
  Notes for h_msig_sys: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
274 k_msig_sys  K 1-sigma uncertainty in system photometry mag mag 1665-1669 5.3f y
  Notes for k_msig_sys: All quoted magnitude uncertainties are the "combined" uncertainties for each band that provide an estimate of all random errors that contribute to the photometry. These uncertainties are the quadratic combination of the source extraction uncertainites, the photometric zero point offset uncertainties from the night during which the source was observed ([jhk]_zperr from the "Scan Data" table), and the residual flat-fielding errors (estimated to be 0.005 mags for all bands). The simple measurement uncertainty can be recovered by backing out the contributions of the photometric zero point uncertainty and the flat-fielding uncertainty from the values listed.
275 sys_flg  system flag: 0=no system, 1=nearby galaxy flux incl. in mag --- 1671-1674 4hd y
276 contam_flg  stellar and artifact contamination flag --- 1676-1679 4hd y
  Notes for contam_flg: The stellar and artifact contamination flag provides information about whether the extended source brightness estimate may be contaminated by superimposed point sources, or possible confusion with image artifacts generated by nearby bright stars (e.g. latent images, diffraction spikes, confusion halos and ghosts, and stripes). The value of the flag is given by: (stellar_contam_flg*10) + artflag. "Stellar_contam_flg"=0 if there is no contamination by superimposed point sources and =1 if there is. "Artflag" is the key to possible bright star artifact contamination and has the value: 0=no contamination, 1=dichroic glint, 2=latent or persistence image, 3=diffraction spike, 4=confusion in wings of a bright star.
277 j_r_3signorm  J 3-sigma radius normalized by shape radius arcsec 1681-1685 5.1f y
278 h_r_3signorm  H 3-sigma radius normalized by shape radius arcsec 1687-1691 5.1f y
279 k_r_3signorm  K 3-sigma radius normalized by shape radius arcsec 1693-1697 5.1f y
280 j_mnsurfb  J mean surface brightness at the 3-sig norm. radius mag 1699-1703 5.2f y
281 h_mnsurfb  H mean surface brightness at the 3-sig norm. radius mag 1705-1709 5.2f y
282 k_mnsurfb  K mean surface brightness at the 3-sig norm. radius mag 1711-1715 5.2f y
283 j_5sig_ba  J minor/major axis ratio fit to the 5-sigma isophote --- 1717-1721 5.3f y
284 h_5sig_ba  H minor/major axis ratio fit to the 5-sigma isophote --- 1723-1727 5.3f y
285 k_5sig_ba  K minor/major axis ratio fit to the 5-sigma isophote --- 1729-1733 5.3f y
286 j_5sig_phi  J angle to 5-sigma major axis (E of N) deg 1735-1738 4hd y
287 h_5sig_phi  H angle to 5-sigma major axis (E of N) deg 1740-1743 4hd y
288 k_5sig_phi  K angle to 5-sigma major axis (E of N) deg 1745-1748 4hd y
289 j_d_area  J 5-sigma to 3-sigma differential area --- 1750-1753 4hd y
290 h_d_area  H 5-sigma to 3-sigma differential area --- 1755-1758 4hd y
291 k_d_area  K 5-sigma to 3-sigma differential area --- 1760-1763 4hd y
292 j_perc_darea  J 5-sigma to 3-sigma percent area change --- 1765-1768 4hd y
293 h_perc_darea  H 5-sigma to 3-sigma percent area change --- 1770-1773 4hd y
294 k_perc_darea  K 5-sigma to 3-sigma percent area change --- 1775-1778 4hd y
295 j_bisym_rat  J bi-symmetric flux ratio --- 1780-1784 5.3f y
296 h_bisym_rat  H bi-symmetric flux ratio --- 1786-1790 5.3f y
297 k_bisym_rat  K bi-symmetric flux ratio --- 1792-1796 5.3f y
298 j_bisym_chi  J bi-symmetric cross-correlation chi --- 1798-1802 5.3f y
299 h_bisym_chi  H bi-symmetric cross-correlation chi --- 1804-1808 5.3f y
300 k_bisym_chi  K bi-symmetric cross-correlation chi --- 1810-1814 5.3f y
301 j_sh0  J ridge shape (LCSB: BSNR limit) --- 1816-1819 4.2f y
302 h_sh0  H ridge shape (LCSB: BSNR limit) --- 1821-1824 4.2f y
303 k_sh0  K ridge shape (LCSB: BSNR limit) --- 1826-1829 4.2f y
304 j_sig_sh0  J ridge shape sigma (LCSB: B2SNR limit) --- 1831-1834 4.2f y
305 h_sig_sh0  H ridge shape sigma (LCSB: B2SNR limit) --- 1836-1839 4.2f y
306 k_sig_sh0  K ridge shape sigma (LCSB: B2SNR limit) --- 1841-1844 4.2f y
307 j_sc_mxdn  J mxdn (score) (LCSB: BSNR - block/smoothed SNR) --- 1846-1850 5.1f y
308 h_sc_mxdn  H mxdn (score) (LCSB: BSNR - block/smoothed SNR) --- 1852-1856 5.1f y
309 k_sc_mxdn  K mxdn (score) (LCSB: BSNR - block/smoothed SNR) --- 1858-1862 5.1f y
310 j_sc_sh  J shape (score) --- 1864-1868 5.1f y
311 h_sc_sh  H shape (score) --- 1870-1874 5.1f y
312 k_sc_sh  K shape (score) --- 1876-1880 5.1f y
313 j_sc_wsh  J wsh (score) (LCSB: PSNR - peak raw SNR) --- 1882-1886 5.1f y
314 h_sc_wsh  H wsh (score) (LCSB: PSNR - peak raw SNR) --- 1888-1892 5.1f y
315 k_sc_wsh  K wsh (score) (LCSB: PSNR - peak raw SNR) --- 1894-1898 5.1f y
316 j_sc_r23  J r23 (score) (LCSB: TSNR - integrated SNR for r=15) --- 1900-1904 5.1f y
317 h_sc_r23  H r23 (score) (LCSB: TSNR - integrated SNR for r=15) --- 1906-1910 5.1f y
318 k_sc_r23  K r23 (score) (LCSB: TSNR - integrated SNR for r=15) --- 1912-1916 5.1f y
319 j_sc_1mm  J 1st moment (score) (LCSB: super blk 2,4,8 SNR) --- 1918-1922 5.1f y
320 h_sc_1mm  H 1st moment (score) (LCSB: super blk 2,4,8 SNR) --- 1924-1928 5.1f y
321 k_sc_1mm  K 1st moment (score) (LCSB: super blk 2,4,8 SNR) --- 1930-1934 5.1f y
322 j_sc_2mm  J 2nd moment (score) (LCSB: SNRMAX - super SNR max) --- 1936-1940 5.1f y
323 h_sc_2mm  H 2nd moment (score) (LCSB: SNRMAX - super SNR max) --- 1942-1946 5.1f y
324 k_sc_2mm  K 2nd moment (score) (LCSB: SNRMAX - super SNR max) --- 1948-1952 5.1f y
325 j_sc_vmn  J vmean (score) --- 1954-1958 5.1f y
326 h_sc_vmn  H vmean (score) --- 1960-1964 5.1f y
327 k_sc_vmn  K vmean (score) --- 1966-1970 5.1f y
328 j_sc_vint  J vint (score) --- 1972-1976 5.1f y
329 h_sc_vint  H vint (score) --- 1978-1982 5.1f y
330 k_sc_vint  K vint (score) --- 1984-1988 5.1f y
331 j_scalen  J alpha scale length --- 1990-1993 4.1f y
332 h_scalen  H alpha scale length --- 1995-1998 4.1f y
333 k_scalen  K alpha scale length --- 2000-2003 4.1f y
334 j_sc_r1  J r1 (score) --- 2005-2009 5.1f y
335 h_sc_r1  H r1 (score) --- 2011-2015 5.1f y
336 k_sc_r1  K r1 (score) --- 2017-2021 5.1f y
337 j_sc_msh  J median shape score --- 2023-2027 5.1f y
338 h_sc_msh  H median shape score --- 2029-2033 5.1f y
339 k_sc_msh  K median shape score --- 2035-2039 5.1f y
340 j_subst2  J residual background #2 (score) --- 2041-2046 6.1f y
341 h_subst2  H residual background #2 (score) --- 2048-2053 6.1f y
342 k_subst2  K residual background #2 (score) --- 2055-2060 6.1f y
343 j_chif_ellf  J % chi-fraction for elliptical fit to 3-sig isophote --- 2062-2065 4.1f y
344 k_chif_ellf  K % chi-fraction for elliptical fit to 3-sig isophote --- 2067-2070 4.1f y
345 sup_chif_ellf  super-image % chi-fraction for ellip. fit to 3-sig isophote --- 2072-2075 4.1f y
346 j_back  J image median background --- 2077-2082 6.1f y
347 h_back  H image median background --- 2084-2089 6.1f y
348 k_back  K image median background --- 2091-2096 6.1f y
349 j_resid_ann  J residual annulus background median DN 2098-2103 6.3f y
350 h_resid_ann  H residual annulus background median DN 2105-2110 6.3f y
351 k_resid_ann  K residual annulus background median DN 2112-2117 6.3f y
352 j_peak  J peak pixel brightness mag 2119-2123 5.2f y
353 h_peak  H peak pixel brightness 2125-2129 5.2f mag y
354 k_peak  K peak pixel brightness mag 2131-2135 5.2f y
355 j_5surf  J central surface brightness (r<=5) mag 2137-2141 5.2f y
356 h_5surf  H central surface brightness (r<=5) mag 2143-2147 5.2f y
357 k_5surf  K central surface brightness (r<=5) mag 2149-2153 5.2f y
358 j_bndg_per  J banding Fourier Transf. period on this side of image arcsec 2155-2158 4d y
359 j_bndg_amp  J banding maximum FT amplitude on this side of image DN 2160-2164 5.3f y
360 h_bndg_per  H banding Fourier Transf. period on this side of image arcsec 2166-2169 4d y
361 h_bndg_amp  H banding maximum FT amplitude on this side of image DN 2171-2175 5.3f y
362 k_bndg_per  K banding Fourier Transf. period on this side of image arcsec 2177-2180 4d y
363 k_bndg_amp  K banding maximum FT amplitude on this side of image DN 2182-2186 5.3f y
364 j_seetrack  J band seetracking score --- 2188-2191 4.1f y
365 h_seetrack  H band seetracking score --- 2193-2196 4.1f y
366 k_seetrack  K band seetracking score --- 2198-2201 4.1f y
367 j_airglow  J band airglow score --- 2203-2206 4.2f y
368 h_airglow  H band airglow score --- 2208-2211 4.2f y
369 k_airglow  K band airglow score --- 2213-2216 4.2f y
370 density  image log(density) of stars with k<14 mag --- 2218-2221 4.2f y
371 sup_r_3sig  super-image 3-sigma isophotal semi-major axis radius arcsec 2223-2227 5.1f y
372 sup_ba  minor/major axis ratio fit to 3-sig. super-image isophote --- 2229-2233 5.3f y
373 sup_phi  super-image angle to major axis (E of N) deg 2235-2238 4hd y
374 sup_r_3signorm  super-image 3-sigma radius normalized by shape radius arcsec 2240-2244 5.1f y
375 sup_mnsurfb  super-image mean surface brightness at 3-sig norm. radius mag 2246-2250 5.2f y
376 im_nx  size of postage stamp image in pixels --- 2252-2255 4hd n
377 n_blank  number of blanked source records --- 2257-2260 4hd n
  Notes for n_blank: These parameters refer to sources that were blanked and/or subtracted from the images before doing photometry. Data for each of these blanked/ subtracted sources are found in the blanked and subtracted source tables.
378 n_sub  number of subtracted source records --- 2262-2265 4hd n
  Notes for n_sub: These parameters refer to sources that were blanked and/or subtracted from the images before doing photometry. Data for each of these blanked/ subtracted sources are found in the blanked and subtracted source tables.
379 bl_sub_flg  blanked/subtracted src description flag --- 2267-2270 4hd n
380 id_flg  type/galaxy ID flag (0=non-catalog, 1=catalog, 2=LCSB) --- 2272-2272 1hd n
  Notes for id_flg: This flag indicates the extended source catalog type as follows:
0 = extended source not found in another catalog 
1 = extended source is found in galaxy catalog (ID found in id_cat field)
2 = LCSB (Low Central Surface Brightness) source
381 id_cat  matched galaxy's catalog name --- 2274-2283 10s y
382 r_ngc  distance from nearest big galaxy arcsec 2285-2289 5.2f y
383 fg_flg  flux-growth convergence flag --- 2291-2296 6s y
384 blk_fac  LCSB blocking factor (1, 2, 4, 8) --- 2298-2301 4hd y
385 ellfit_flg  ellipse fitting contamination flag --- 2303-2306 4hd y
386 j_h  default J-H mag color mag 2308-2314 7.3f y
  Notes for j_h: Magnitude colors are calculated using the [jhk]_m default mags and sigmas for the extended sources and the optical mags [br]_m_opt in the associated point source entry. If one of the mags used in a color calculation is NULL, the color value is an upper or lower limit. (Color limits are NOT calculated when both mags are NULL.)
387 j_h_sig  sigma for J-H mag color mag 2316-2321 6.3f y
  Notes for j_h_sig: For colors having detections in both bands, the color mag sigma values are the root-sum-square of the two mag sigmas. If one of the mags used in the calculation is NULL, the color sigma is the other band's mag sigma.
388 h_k  default H-K mag color mag 2323-2329 7.3f y
  Notes for h_k: Magnitude colors are calculated using the [jhk]_m default mags and sigmas for the extended sources and the optical mags [br]_m_opt in the associated point source entry. If one of the mags used in a color calculation is NULL, the color value is an upper or lower limit. (Color limits are NOT calculated when both mags are NULL.)
389 h_k_sig  sigma for H-K mag color mag 2331-2336 6.3f y
  Notes for h_k_sig: For colors having detections in both bands, the color mag sigma values are the root-sum-square of the two mag sigmas. If one of the mags used in the calculation is NULL, the color sigma is the other band's mag sigma.
390 j_k  default J-K mag color mag 2338-2344 7.3f y
  Notes for j_k: Magnitude colors are calculated using the [jhk]_m default mags and sigmas for the extended sources and the optical mags [br]_m_opt in the associated point source entry. If one of the mags used in a color calculation is NULL, the color value is an upper or lower limit. (Color limits are NOT calculated when both mags are NULL.)
391 j_k_sig  sigma for J-K mag color mag 2346-2351 6.3f y
  Notes for j_k_sig: For colors having detections in both bands, the color mag sigma values are the root-sum-square of the two mag sigmas. If one of the mags used in the calculation is NULL, the color sigma is the other band's mag sigma.
392 b_r  B-R mag color of associated optical source mag 2353-2359 7.3f y
393 r_k  default R-K mag color (using associated optical source) mag 2361-2367 7.3f y
  Notes for r_k: Magnitude colors are calculated using the [jhk]_m default mags and sigmas for the extended sources and the optical mags [br]_m_opt in the associated point source entry. If one of the mags used in a color calculation is NULL, the color value is an upper or lower limit. (Color limits are NOT calculated when both mags are NULL.)
394 b_k  default B-K mag color mag 2369-2375 7.3f y
  Notes for b_k: Magnitude colors are calculated using the [jhk]_m default mags and sigmas for the extended sources and the optical mags [br]_m_opt in the associated point source entry. If one of the mags used in a color calculation is NULL, the color value is an upper or lower limit. (Color limits are NOT calculated when both mags are NULL.)
395 r_j  default R-J mag color mag 2377-2383 7.3f y
  Notes for r_j: Magnitude colors are calculated using the [jhk]_m default mags and sigmas for the extended sources and the optical mags [br]_m_opt in the associated point source entry. If one of the mags used in a color calculation is NULL, the color value is an upper or lower limit. (Color limits are NOT calculated when both mags are NULL.)
396 b_j  default B-J mag color mag 2385-2391 7.3f y
  Notes for b_j: Magnitude colors are calculated using the [jhk]_m default mags and sigmas for the extended sources and the optical mags [br]_m_opt in the associated point source entry. If one of the mags used in a color calculation is NULL, the color value is an upper or lower limit. (Color limits are NOT calculated when both mags are NULL.)
397 e_score  extended score: 1 (extended) < e_score < 2 (point-like) --- 2393-2396 4.2f y
398 g_score  galaxy score: 1 (extended) < g_score < 2 (point-like) --- 2398-2401 4.2f y
399 feye  "eye" score for source --- 2403-2406 4hd y
  Notes for feye: The "eye" score gives the source type for those sources examined "by eye":
-2 = unknown 
-1 = no verification (i.e., not examined) 
1 = galaxy 
2 = non-extended (e.g., star, double, triple, artifact) 
400 cc_flag  indicates artifact contamination and/or confusion --- 2408-2408 1s y
  Notes for cc_flg: The contamination/confusion flag indicates whether the source's photometry and position may be affected by artifacts of, or confusion with, nearby bright stars. The flag consists of a single character string. Sources are tested for contamination and/or confusion in the order given below, and once a flag is applied to the source, testing is stopped in that band. The flag values indicate the source may be:
U: unreliable source; probable image artifact detection
C: affected by confusion with or artifact of a nearby bright star
0: default value -- not contaminated 
aThese are C format statements, which do not include blanks that separate fields and which are set to the maximum possible number of characters in each string. Fields that have values much less than the maximum possible number may have additional leading blanks. For example, 10° < ra < 100° will have a format 9.6f. A caveat is that fields that are allowed to contain "null," as indicated in the final column of this table, must be read in as strings, checked for null, and then converted to the appropriate type.