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Astron. Astrtophys. Suppl v.43 p.405 (1981)


A radio search for planetary nebulae near the galactic center IV. Survey data.



A 1415 MHz continuum search fro planetary nebulae near the galactic center has yielded 119 radio sources compared to an expected background level of 72. Thirty nine of the objects were reobserved at 4995 MHz; 20 were detected. The spectral index and flux distributions of the sources confirm that many are thermal objects, planetery nebulae dominate over compact HII regions. After correction for selection effects, the exess source surface density shows a strong increase towards the galactic center. Consistency with the distributionof optical planetary nebulae at highter galactic continuum. From this, we deduce that there are ~ 300 planetaries within 300 pc of the galactic center, and 21000 through the whole Galaxy.
refs of this series:
paper I Wouterloot & Dekker 1979 AAS, 36, 323
paper II Isaacman 1980, AA 81, 359
paper III Isaacman, Wouterloot, Habing 1980, AA,