Clusters in SDSS S82

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J/MNRAS/413/3059    4098 galaxy clusters in SDSS Stripe 82   (Geach+, 2011)
4098 galaxy clusters to z~0.6 in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey equatorial
Stripe 82.
    Geach J.E., Murphy D.N.A., Bower R.G.
ADC_Keywords: Clusters, galaxy ; Redshifts ; QSOs
Keywords: catalogues - galaxies: clusters: general -
          large-scale structure of Universe

    We present a catalogue of 4098 photometrically selected galaxy
    clusters with a median redshift =0.32 in the 270deg^2^ "Stripe 82"
    region of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), covering the celestial
    equator in the Southern Galactic Cap (-50{deg}