Clusters in SDSS3

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J/ApJS/199/34         132684 clusters of galaxies in SDSS-III       (Wen+, 2012)
A catalog of 132,684 clusters of galaxies identified from Sloan Digital Sky
Survey III.
    Wen Z.L., Han J.L., Liu F.S.
   =2012ApJS..199...34W    (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)
ADC_Keywords: Clusters, galaxy ; Photometry, SDSS ; Redshifts
Keywords: galaxies: clusters: general - galaxies: distances and redshifts

    Using the photometric redshifts of galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky
    Survey III (SDSS-III), we identify 132684 clusters in the redshift
    range of 0.05<=z<0.8. Monte Carlo simulations show that the false
    detection rate is less than 6% for the whole sample. The completeness
    is more than 95% for clusters with a mass of M_200_>1.0x10^14^M_{sun}_
    in the redshift range of 0.05<=z<0.42, while clusters of z>0.42 are
    less complete and have a biased smaller richness than the real one due
    to incompleteness of member galaxies. We compare our sample with other
    cluster samples, and find that more than 90% of previously known rich
    clusters of 0.05<=z<0.42 are matched with clusters in our sample.
    Richer clusters tend to have more luminous brightest cluster galaxies
    (BCGs). Correlating with X-ray and the Planck data, we show that the
    cluster richness is closely related to the X-ray luminosity,
    temperature, and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich measurements. Comparison of the
    BCGs with the SDSS luminous red galaxy (LRG) sample shows that 25% of
    LRGs are BCGs of our clusters and 36% of LRGs are cluster member
    galaxies. In our cluster sample, 63% of BCGs of r_petro_<19.5 satisfy
    the SDSS LRG selection criteria.

    Wen et al. (2009, Cat. J/ApJS/183/197) identified 39668 galaxy
    clusters from the SDSS DR6 by the discrimination of member galaxies of
    clusters using photometric redshifts of galaxies. Wen & Han
    (2011ApJ...734...68W) improved the method and successfully identified
    the high-redshift clusters from the deep fields of the
    Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) Wide survey, the CHFT Deep
    survey, the Cosmic Evolution Survey, and the Spitzer Wide-area
    InfraRed Extragalactic survey. Here, we follow and improve the
    algorithm to identify clusters from SDSS-III (SDSS Data Release 8;
    Aihara et al. 2011ApJS..193...29A, see Cat. II/306).

File Summary:
 FileName     Lrecl  Records   Explanations
ReadMe           80        .   This file
table1.dat      106   132684   Clusters of Galaxies Identified from the SDSS-III

See also:
  II/306  : The SDSS Photometric Catalog, Release 8 (Adelman-McCarthy+, 2011)
  VII/110 : Rich Clusters of Galaxies (Abell+ 1989)
  VII/4   : Abell and Zwicky Clusters of Galaxies (Abell+ 1974)
  J/A+A/540/A106 : SDSS DR8 groups and clusters of galaxies (Tempel+, 2012)
  J/ApJ/736/21   : Galaxy clusters optical catalog from AMF on SDSS DR6 (Szabo+
  J/ApJS/183/197 : Galaxy clusters identified from the SDSS-DR6 (Wen+, 2009)
  J/ApJ/660/239  : MaxBCG catalog of 13823 galaxy clusters from SDSS (Koester+,
  J/ApJS/167/1   : Galaxy groups and clusters from SDSS (Berlind+, 2006)
  J/ApJS/148/243 : Catalog of clusters of galaxies from SDSS (Bahcall+, 2003)

Byte-by-byte Description of file: table1.dat
   Bytes Format Units   Label     Explanations
   1-  3  A3    ---     ---       [WHL]
   5- 20  A16   ---     [WHL2012] Cluster name (JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS)
  22- 30  F9.5  deg     RAdeg     Right Ascension in decimal degrees (J2000)
  32- 40  F9.5  deg     DEdeg     Declination in decimal degrees (J2000)
  42- 47  F6.4  ---     zp        Photometric redshift
  49- 55  F7.4  ---     zsp       ?=-1 Spectroscopic redshift of BCG
  57- 61  F5.2  mag     rmag      BCG r band magnitude
  63- 66  F4.2  Mpc     r200      Cluster r_200_ value (1)
  68- 73  F6.2  ---     RL*       Cluster richness
  75- 77  I3    ---     N200      Number of member galaxy candidates within r200
  79-106  A28   ---     Other     Other catalog(s) containing the cluster (2)
Note (1): The radius within which the mean density of a cluster is 200 times
          of the critical density of the Universe.
Note (2): Catalog as follows:
    Abell = Abell 1958, Cat. VII/4; Abell et al. 1989, Cat. VII/110;
   maxBCG = Koester et al. 2007, Cat. J/ApJ/660/239;
    WHL09 = Wen et al. 2009, Cat. J/ApJS/183/197;
    GMBCG = Hao et al. 2010ApJS..191..254H;
      AMF = Szabo et al. 2011, Cat. J/ApJ/736/21.

    From electronic version of the journal

(End)                 Greg Schwarz [AAS], Emmanuelle Perret [CDS]    14-Jun-2012