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A shell script to run the ispell spell checker from a spawned XTerm.

Command Input: Either
Command Output: Same Window
Output Replaces Input: ON
Save file before executing command: ON

  cat > spellTmp; xterm -e ispell -x spellTmp; cat spellTmp; rm spellTmp

A more advanced version puts the temporary file in the /tmp directory, and uses $$ (the process ID of the shell) in the file name so you don't have to worry about clashes between simultaneous ispell sessions:
  cat > /tmp/ispell.$$; xterm -title "Spell Check" -e
   ispell -S /tmp/ispell.$$; cat /tmp/ispell.$$; rm /tmp/ispell.$$

. Released on  Wed, 21 Nov 2001  by C. Denat  

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