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Adding macros

  • Most macros are added using the Macro Commands window, which is opened using:

    Preferences -> Default Settings -> Customize Menus -> Macro menu...

    Here you can give the macro a menu entry, accelerator and/or mnemonic. The actual macro command can be cut and pasted from the web page into the command to execute dialog.

  • Macro functions are often given in NEdit macro (.nm) files, which can be downloaded from the macro list. To use these macros, you will first need to add a


    command to your .neditmacro file. Alternatively, you can add the contents of the .nm file to .neditmacro, which can reduce start-up times.

    You will then need to add a macro which calls the function using the Macro Commands window, eg. to use the centerline macro function, you'll need to add the function to .neditmacro, then create a macro which executes the single command:


  • Some macros use NEdit's smart indent feature, and are added using the Smart Indent Macros window, opened using:

    Preferences -> Default Settings -> Auto Indent -> Program Smart Indent...

    The macro can then be cut and pasted into the relevant dialogs.


. Released on  Wed, 21 Nov 2001  by C. Denat  

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