
The International Workshop on
Quark Phase Transition in Compact Objects and Multimessenger Astronomy:
Neutrino Signals, Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts

7-14 October 2015

A search for neutrino bursts signal from supernovae at the Baksan Underground Scintillation Telescope

Novoseltsev Yu.F., Boliev M.M., Dzaparova I.M., Kochkarov M.M., Novoseltseva R.V., Petkov V.B., Volchenko V.I., Volchenko G.V., Yanin A.F.


      The current status of the experiment on recording neutrino bursts from core collapse stars is presented. The actual observational time is 29.76 years. The upper bound of the mean frequency of core collapse supernovae in our Galaxy is fcol < 0.077 year -1 (90% CL).

Novoseltsev Yu.F., Boliev M.M., Dzaparova I.M., Kochkarov M.M., Novoseltseva R.V., Petkov V.B., Volchenko V.I., Volchenko G.V., Yanin A.F. , "A search for neutrino bursts signal from supernovae at the Baksan Underground Scintillation Telescope", in "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Quark Phase Transition in Compact Objects and Multimessenger Astronomy: Neutrino Signals, Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts", Russia, Nizhnij Arkhyz (SAO RAS), Terskol (BNO INR RAS), October, 7 - 14, 2015, Publishing house "Sneg", Pyatigorsk, 2016, ISBN 978-5-903129-85-0, pp. 76-84.
DOI: 10.26119/SAO.2020.1.51253
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